
A woman with a dropper hovers over a baby laying on a hospital bed, while a doctor and a woman in a chair look on.
A health-care professional medicates a baby in the new Bamyan Hospital built by the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan. OCHA//Sayed Habib Bidell

Non-governmental organizations interested in applying for funding under the Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Fund (AP HF) are required to participate in an eligibility process. To become eligible for direct funding, non-governmental partners need to fulfil the following three criteria: 

  • Passed the AP HF capacity assessment, 
  • Approved due diligence status in the AP HF One Grant Management System (OneGMS), and 
  • Have no outstanding AP HF oversight and compliance issues. 

Briefly, the AP HF capacity assessments is as follows:  

  • Step 1: Partner prioritization. OCHA, in consultation with RC/HCs, RCs and humanitarian stakeholders, calls for expressions of interest of humanitarian organizations within time-bound windows, on a rolling basis and/or within a specific geographical location or sector, to create and expand the partner base.  
  • Step 2: Pre-assessment and due diligence. OCHA carries out preliminary screenings of the humanitarian organizations expressing interest in partnering with the Fund. The pre-assessment determines whether an organization meets the minimum requirements to undergo a full assessment. This step is carried out in collaboration with clusters and/or sectors.   
  • Step 3: Full assessment. Organizations meeting the minimum requirements undergo a comprehensive capacity assessment. This step includes an assessment of the partners’ organizational, programmatic, and financial capacities. Based on the results of the assessment, eligible partners are assigned one of three risk levels: High, Medium or Low. Organizations that are not successful will receive feedback from the HFU to improve their capacity for future assessments.  

For more information, please review the CBPF Global Guidelines, Chapter 5.4 Partner-level risk management or contact the Head of Office.