
Women in a bazar with colourful clothing
A colourful selection of women's handmade products at a women's bazar in Bamyan Province. OCHA/Sayed Habib Bidell

The Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) is responsible for allotting funding from the Regional Envelope to countries, based on established criteria. The RC/HC or RC of a country with an active Envelope or with funding from the Regional Envelope is responsible for the overall management and deployment of resources in that specific country. The ERC is advised by a Steering Group for the use and management of the Regional Envelope, and the RC/HCs with a Country Envelope is advised by an Advisory Board. On a day-to-day basis, the AP HF is managed by the Humanitarian Financing Unit within OCHA’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, on behalf of the ERC and RC/HC or RCs. 

The AP HF is guided by the CBPF Global Guidelines. This guidance will be reflected in the forthcoming AP HF Operational Manual together with relevant annexes to provide technical guidance, tools and templates used in the management of the Fund. The funds allocated to partners are further subject to the United Nations Financial Regulations and Rules (FRR).