Allocation process

Under the direction of the HC, the AHF aims to support the timely allocation and disbursement of donor resources to the most critical humanitarian needs, as defined by the HRP. To meet this goal, the AHF has two inclusive, transparent and efficient allocation processes.

  • Standard allocation: The process through which most of the funds will be allocated to ensure funding for priority projects in line with the HRP. It usually occurs twice a year after the launch of the HRP and following the HRP review, depending on funding levels.
  • Reserve allocation: This is a more streamlined process used for the rapid and flexible allocation of funds set aside by the HC. It takes place as required in the event of unforeseen emergencies or to immediately address strategic humanitarian needs.

For both allocations, the AHF publishes an allocation strategy paper in line with the HRP sectoral priorities that specifies the sectors and activities eligible for funding, developed in coordination with the relevant clusters. The review committees comprise representatives from clusters, UN agencies, NGOs and OCHA. They evaluate the submitted proposals to ensure projects are strategically relevant, technically sound and aligned with the key priorities of the allocation strategy paper for the HC’s final funding decision. The allocation strategy paper also lists the key administrative, strategic and technical criteria that project proposals must adhere to, such as value for money, monitoring requirements and beneficiary selection, and guidance on cross-cutting issues of security and access, protection mainstreaming and gender responsiveness in humanitarian response.

The AHF project cycle management process is conducted through OCHA’s GMS, an online platform allowing for better management and institutional memory of all CBPFs. AHF partners use this interface to submit project proposals and reports, and the HFU coordinates project reviews, monitoring and partner performance.