Asia and the Pacific

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

A girl in a wheelchair in Pyongyang
A girl in a wheelchair at the Korea Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disabilities, Pyongyang. OCHA/Anthony Burke

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is both a silent and underfunded chronic humanitarian situation. It is not a classical humanitarian crisis; protracted needs are persistent. While the situation, particularly food production, has improved slightly in recent years, critical needs remain in food security, nutrition, health and water and sanitation. DPRK also remains vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly droughts and floods, exacerbated by already critical needs.

OCHA seconded a Humanitarian Advisor in early 2012 to work in the Resident Coordinator's Office in DPRK supporting strategic and operational coordination across humanitarian and development activities, resource mobilization, preparedness, contingency planning and advocacy. The Humanitarian Advisor is the primary in-country interlocutor with the Government on preparedness and assists in building links with broader in-country international agencies for disaster management activities.