Allocation process

Funding is channeled through partners that are best placed to implement priority activities in line with the agreed strategy and humanitarian principles in a timely and effective manner.

The HC allocates funding through consultative processes with Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) country Clusters based on prioritized humanitarian needs. There are two types of allocation modalities:

  • Standard Allocations: Funds are usually allocated early in the year for projects included in the DRC HRP, based on the strategy that identifies the highest priority needs underpinned by vulnerability data and needs analysis. The strategy is developed by the Clusters, in consultation with other coordination forums approved by the HC and endorsed by the DRC HF Advisory Board. It forms the basis for individual project submissions. Project proposals are prioritized and vetted within clusters through Cluster Review Committees and then recommended to the DRC HF Advisory Board for endorsement and final approval by the HC.
  • Reserve Allocations: Reserve funds are primarily intended for rapid and flexible allocations of funds in the event of unforeseen emergencies or to address identified gaps. These funds can be allocated through individual reserve allocations or broader allocation rounds and are usually slightly faster and more geographically focused. They must be cleared by individual cluster coordinators before undergoing technical review and endorsement and approval by the DRC HF Advisory Board and the HC.


May 2022 - First Standard Allocation: Support for multiple humanitarian
The Democratic Republic of Congo has more than 5.5 million internally displaced people, the largest number in Africa, in terms of internal displacement. Women and children, who are the primary victims of the humanitarian crisis account for more than 50 percent of the displaced persons. Host populations are also particularly vulnerable.

This allocation of $30 million is released to support a multisectoral emergency response to cover the vital needs of 8.8 million people in order to preserve their physical integrity and mental health; besides reducing vulnerabilities and improving the living conditions of 3.5 million people, in the provinces of Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu, Tanganyika, and Grand Kasai.
See Allocation Strategy [FR]

June 2022- First Reserve Allocation: Emergency Response to M23 crisis

Since the end of March 2022, a new crisis linked to clashes between M23 rebels and the FARDC has erupted in Rutshuru territory. The resumption and intensification of military operations by the FARDC against M23 positions, accompanied by strong resistance from the latter, have had a significant impact on the population.
This allocation of $1 million is part of an integrated and complementary Emergency response approach to provide shelter and access to water.

See Allocation Strategy [FR]

July 2022 - Second Reserve Allocation: Emergency Health Response in Rutshuru
Since March 28th, clashes between the Congolese army (FARDC) and fighters from the rebel group, the March 23 Movement (M23), have erupted and are continuing in Rutshuru territory in North Kivu. The intensity of the violence has forced nearly 124,000 people to flee their homes.

This allocation of $2 million provides an emergency response to the displaced people and host communities for a maximum duration of six months in order to respond in a holistic manner to the needs generated by this crisis, aiming to reduce excess mortality and morbidity linked to the M23 crisis.
The health sector will align on the principle of synergy, complementarity, and integration with the sectors of Nutrition, Wash, and Protection at the level of primary and secondary health care, mental health, and GBV, with particular attention to the management of medical complications of malnourished children, and the strengthening of hospitals’ hygiene.

See Allocation Strategy [FR] 

October 2022 - Third Reserve Allocation: Strengthening Humanitarian response related to community conflicts in the province of Maï-Ndombe, Kwilu, and Kwango
The immediate consequences of the communal conflicts in Kwamouth territory in Mai Ndombe, a province between Central Kongo and Equateur provinces, were numerous in relation to human rights violations, such as physical harm, gender-based violence, targeted killings, and ambushes; in addition to the forced displacement of approximately 39,147 people, including 27,421 in Kwilu and Kwango provinces and 11,686 in Mai Ndombe. 
This allocation of $2.5 million is released by the DRC HF to address the priority needs of the most vulnerable populations in areas where there are concentrations of displaced persons, through Shelter & NFI, Food Security, and Health clusters.

See Allocation Strategy [FR]

December 2022 - Fourth Reserve Allocation: Humanitarian Response to IDP’s situation in Nord Kivu in the territories of Nyiragongo – Rutshuru -Masisi- Lubero and the city of Goma
Since October 20th, 2022, approximately 450,000 people have been displaced to the territories of Nyiragongo, Rutshuru, Lubero, and Masisi, following the resumption of fighting between the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) and the armed group Mouvement du 23 mars (M23).
This allocation of $5 million is intended to provide an immediate response to the needs of approximately 8,000 displaced households in the territories of Nyiragongo and the city of Goma through the construction of shelters and the distribution of Non-Food Items (NFI), for 16,000 households in Nyiragongo and South Lubero; the provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities; the management of children with moderate and severe acute malnutrition; as well as responding to the protection needs of 165,000 persons with a special focus on GBV Survivors.

See Allocation Strategy [FR]