Governance and guidance

The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) is responsible for the overall management of the DRC HF and is accountable for the use of funds. The DRC HF Advisory Board, chaired by the HC and formed by NGOs, UN Agencies and donor representatives advises on the use of funds and the governance of the DRC HF.

On a day-to-day basis, the DRC HF is managed by OCHA DRC Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU) on behalf of the HC. The UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office serves as the Fund’s Administrative Agent: it receives, administers and manages contributions from donors, as well as disburses funds to OCHA and UN agencies, funds and programmes.

What rules govern the DRC Humanitarian Fund?

The DRC HF is guided by the global Country-Based Pooled Fund Guidelines, which include the CBPF Policy Instruction and the Global Operational Handbook. These guidelines are reflected in the DRC HF Operational Manual, which has been adapted to the DRC context.

Operational Manual - April 2020

DRC HF OM 2020 [FR]

Which includes the following annexes: 

Annex 1. Vision statement for the DRC HF - 2021
Annex 2. Resource mobilization and communication strategy
Annex 3a. Visibility Guidelines and logo [FR]
Annex 3b. Success Stories [FR]
Annex 4. Evaluation of partners, eligibility criteria
Annex 5. Risk Management Framework - June 2021
Annex 6. TOR for Financial Spotchecks and Reporting Format [FR]
Annex 7. SOP on Fraud Allegations & Funds Misappropriation by Implementing Partners [FR]
Annex 8. Partner Alleged Fraud Report Form [FR]
Annex 9. Incident Report Form [FR]
Annex 10. List of DRC HF Eligible Partners [FR]


DRC Humanitarian Fund Report 2023

DRC HF In Brief (December 2021)

New HF visual identity - logo ( August 2020)

DRC HF Operational Manual 2018 [FR]