Haiti - Wosornu visit - 11 July 2024




1. Wide shot, Ecole Nationale Joseph Bernard des Frères, Port-au-Prince
2. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu, OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“The people of Haiti are asking for three things. They are asking for peace, they are asking for the gang violence to stop, they are asking to reclaim their country back.”
3. Close up, displaced youth making sandals
4. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu - OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“The children I interacted with in Gonaives, in Les Cayes but also in Port-au-Prince, are asking to be able to go back to school. The children I met want to be doctors, want to be lawyers, want to be teachers, want to be nurses. The people of Haiti are tired of the violence. The people of Haiti want to return to their lives.”
5. Close up, displaced youth making sandals
6. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu - OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“Humanitarian partners are part of the solution, but we also need development partners for the longer-term approaches. We need integrated solutions, not just from one part of the umbrella of support, but from all the different aspects of things.”
7. Med shot, displaced youth making sandals
8. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu - OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“The request from the farmers was not humanitarian: for canals to be built, for them
to be able to have electricity. These are longer term issues.”
9. Close up, displaced youth making sandals
10. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu - OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“We need to ensure that the health facilities of this country are able to assist the people. We need to ensure that education facilities are able to assist people. The long-term solutions are required just as much as the immediate, short-term solutions.”
11. Close up, displaced youth making sandals
12. SOUNDBITE (English), Edem Wosornu - OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director:
“1.6 million people of 5 million people who are food insecure in this country are in desperate need of assistance. A country that produces mangoes and bananas and yam and plantain and a country that has real, rich, fertile soil should not be food insecure. The violence must stop to allow people to go back to their farms, to be able to live their lives.”
13. Close up, displaced youth making sandals
14. Wide shot, displaced family inside the school
15. Close up, father and children eating
16. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Emile Macier, school principal of Ecole Nationale Joseph Bernard des Frères, Port-au-Prince:
“Des milliers d'élèves sont privés de cours. Qui sait, peut que les gangs les ont recrutés”
[“Thousands of students are deprived of lessons. Who knows, maybe the gangs recruited them”]
17. Wide shot, displaced mother, and child inside the school
18. Close up,  mother and child
19. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Emile Macier, school principal of Ecole Nationale Joseph Bernard des Frères, Port-au-Prince: 
“Mon plus grand souhait est qu’on trouve un autre endroit pour loger les déplacés pour que l’école puisse fonctionner. On ne peut pas fermer une école. Qu'est ce que les enfants vont devenir ? Tu ne sais combien d'entre eux les gangs ont recrutés ? Tu ne sais combien d'entre les filles ont été violées et sont tombées enceinte. On se sait pas. On favorise les réfugiés au détriment des écoliers.”
[“My biggest wish is that we find another place to house the displaced so that the school can operate. We cannot close a school. What will become of the children? You don't know how many of them the gangs recruited? You don't know how many of the girls were raped and became pregnant. We don't know. We’re hosting displaced people to the detriment of school children.]
20. Med shot, various shots of youth activities
21. Med shot, woman looking through the window
22. Med shot, man and kids looking through the door
23. Med shot, children, and facilitators dancing
24. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Emile Macier, school principal of Ecole Nationale Joseph Bernard des Frères, Port-au-Prince:
“Quand l'école fonctionne, le taux de la délinquance juvénile diminue. Le taux de grossesses précoces diminue aussi. Quand l'enfant vient à l'école, certaines choses ne peuvent pas lui arriver. Mais s'il ne vient pas à l'école, il est livré à lui-même et tout peut arriver. Parce qu’il n'a rien pour le guider entre le bien et le mal.”
[“When the school works, the rate of juvenile delinquency decreases. The rate of early pregnancy is also decreasing. When the child comes to school, certain things cannot happen to him. But if he doesn't come to school, he's left to his own devices, and anything can happen. Because he has nothing to guide him between good and evil]
25. Med shot, children, and facilitators dancing
26. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole),  Anne, mother of three, displaced inside the school:
“La situation était terrible. Les gangs étaient venus dans mon quartier.”
[“The situation was terrible. The gangs had come to my neighborhood.”]
27. Close up, young boy dancing
28. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Anne, mother of three, displaced inside the school:
“Je veux laisser ce site. Nous voulons tous partir. Je dors par terre en plein air, parfois je me réveille et j’ai mal au bras. Nous n’avons rien, pas de lit pour dormir.”
[“I want to leave this site. We all want to leave. I sleep on the ground in the open, sometimes I wake up and my arm hurts. We have nothing, no bed to sleep in.]
29. Close up, young boy dancing
30. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Anne, mother of three, displaced inside the school:
“J’aimerais qu’on m’aide à sortir d’ici. Qu'on m’aide à trouver un vrai logement.”
[“I would like someone to help me get out of here. Help me find real accommodation.]
31. Med shot, Edem Wosornu, humanitarian partners entering the school
32. Med shot, various shots, classroom, humanitarian partners, representants of the education ministry
33. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Jean, 22 years old, displaced inside the school:
“Je fais de mon mieux pour m’en sortir. Ma mère était tout pour moi, on l’a tuée.”
[I’m doing my best to get through it. My mother was everything to me, she was killed]
34. Wide shot, classroom discussion 
35. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Jean, 22 years old, displaced inside the school:                                            “Je vis ici, je dors sur le sol. Je ne trouve pas à manger régulièrement. Je mange du riz mal cuisiné. Quand il pleut l’eau nous tombe dessus. C'est une mauvaise vie. Je prie pour quitter cet endroit, avoir une maison, monter un business pour m'en sortir et aider ma famille. J'ai un petit frère et une petite sœur. Ils ne peuvent compter que sur moi.”
[“I live here, I sleep on the floor. I can't find food regularly. I eat poorly cooked rice. When it rains the water falls on us. It's a bad life. I pray to leave this place, have a house, start a business to get by and help my family. I have a little brother and a little sister. They can only count on me.”]
36. Med shot, exterior, Edem Wosornu, children outside
37. SOUNDBITE (Haitian Creole), Jean, 22 years old, displaced inside the school:                                             “Ici c'est ma chambre. Ca c'est mon lit. Je dors ici, ma vaisselle est là. Quand il pleut, l’eau me tombe dessus et mouille mes affaires. Il y a des trous dans la toiture. Après la pluie on doit faire sécher nos affaires. Nous sommes 5 à partager cette petite chambre. Là, c’est ici qu’on prépare la nourriture. »
[“This is my room. This is my bed. I sleep here, my dishes are here. When it rains, the water falls on me and wets my things. There are holes in the roof. After the rain we have to dry our things. There are 5 of us sharing this small room. This is where the food is prepared.]
38. Med shot, exterior, Edem Wosornu, children outside


41. Med shot, various shots, Edem Wosornu, delegation traveling by helicopter to Gonaives 
42. Wide shot, various shots, Edem Wosornu and delegation meeting with farmers
43. Wide shot, Hospital la Providence, Gonaives
44. MED shot, mother and child attended by male nurse 
45. Close up, mother, and malnourished child
46. Close up, mother, and malnourished child with male nurse
47. Med pan, Edem Wosornu talking to a mother and child
48. Close up, various shots, doctor attending child
40. Med shot, child sleeping under mosquito net
50. Med shot, various shots, nurse, and babies in neo-natal department
51. Wide shot, hospital


52.Med shot, various shots, Edem Wosornu and delegation discussing 
53. Wide shot, various shots, Immaculate Conception Hospital
During a four-day visit to Haiti, OCHA’s Operations and Advocacy Director, Edem Wosornu visited several humanitarian aid project sites and met with affected communities, Haitian authorities, as well as national, international and local partners, to discuss the humanitarian crisis in the country as well as strategies beyond emergency aid.

The visit comes at a time when Haiti is experiencing a multifaceted humanitarian crisis, which has only worsened since March of this year amid renewed violence in the capital Port-au-Prince.

More than 578,000 people are currently displaced in Haiti, and more than 900 schools have been closed since January, that’s more than half of the year.

Meanwhile, about 40 per cent of health-care facilities across Port-au-Prince are closed.