Allocation process

The MHF funds activities that have been prioritized as the most urgent and strategic to address acute unmet emergency and humanitarian needs, and respond to new emergencies or sudden-onset disasters. It also funds interventions to fill highest priority gaps in protracted crisis situations, and prevent a worsening of the situation and increased vulnerability including seasonal monsoon preparedness actions. Projects must be aligned with sector priorities outlined in the Myanmar Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), the operating principles included in the MHF Annual Strategy and the specific allocation strategy paper. The Fund complements integrated allocations, pooling together other funds when relevant, i.e. at the global level through the CERF. 

Once a new emergency hit the country or critical gaps in the core humanitarian response need to be addressed, the MHF will undertake a consultation and analysis process to elaborate an allocation strategy paper for a call for proposals. The allocation strategy paper is developed in collaboration with partners, clusters/sectors, the MHF Advisory Board and the Humanitarian Coordinator, in close consultation with the Humanitarian Country Team. Project proposals are prioritized and vetted within clusters/sectors through Review Committee (RC) and then recommended to the MHF Advisory Board for comments and final approval by the Humanitarian Coordinator. MHF funds are channeled through partners (national and international NGOs, UN and Red Cross Movement) that are best-placed to deliver prioritized activities in accordance with the agreed strategy and humanitarian principles, in a timely and effective manner. The MHF has two allocation modalities:

  • The Standard Allocation is normally the process through which most of funding is channeled to priority activities within the HRP.
  • The Reserve Allocation is used for rapid and flexible funding in the event of unforeseen emergencies or to address emerging humanitarian needs. It responds to specific humanitarian situations necessitating a coordinated response outside the standard allocations.

The project proposals must be submitted online through the Grant Management System (GMS) at, as per deadline and criteria indicated in the allocation strategy paper. A Review Committee, composed of relevant sectors and clusters coordinators, thematic advisors and OCHA will conduct a Strategic Review of proposals, based on a scorecard for project prioritization and technical criteria. Short-listed proposals will be submitted to the Advisory Board for comments and preliminary HC’s approval. After that, the Review Committee will conduct technical and budget review and will work with the applicant organizations to revise the proposals. Final project proposals will be submitted to OCHA HQ for budget clearance and grant finalization.