Today's top news: Niger

A woman is handing a brick over to another woman sitting on a machine with protective gear
Women at work in a project to make bricks and durable shelter in Tillaberi, Niger. OCHA/Alassane Sarr


Aid operations continue in the country. This week, the World Food Programme assisted more than 12,000 people with food in the Maradi region. 

Heavy rains and floods continue across the country. According to the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management, more than 15 people have been killed and 38,000 people affected since the beginning of the rainy season that started in June. The Government and humanitarian organizations are ramping up efforts to support affected people. 

Humanitarian partners are however struggling with low stocks of supplies due to the impact of closures of the border and the air space. This situation may affect food assistance for 2.8 million people in the coming months.