Today's top news: Occupied Palestinian Territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukraine

People gathered near two tents on a snow-covered open ground.
Following the 12 December airstrike on Kyiv, Ukraine, humanitarian organizations have rapidly mobilized emergency assistance to the affected people, distributing blankets and hot meals. OCHA/Viktoriia Andriievska

Occupied Palestinian Territory

We reported heavy rainfall in Gaza yesterday, which flooded many areas and worsened conditions for displaced Palestinians. The rains, coupled with the absence of effective waste management, are significantly elevating the risk of spreading of disease.

The ability of the UN to receive incoming humanitarian aid is being significantly undermined by a shortage of trucks within Gaza; the continuing lack of fuel; telecommunications blackouts; and the increasing number of staff unable to reach the Rafah crossing safely, due to the intensity of hostilities. More aid and fuel are needed to enter Gaza, but equally, more capacity is needed in Gaza to handle incoming aid.

Yesterday, a UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) school that was sheltering internally displaced people in Jabalia Refugee Camp was hit, with casualties reported. The same school had been hit several times previously. 

UNRWA is verifying recent reports of incidents at the agency’s facilities. Since 7 October, 156 incidents affecting UNRWA premises have been reported.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

There has been a surge in security incidents targeting humanitarian workers in Djugu territory, in Ituri Province, in the east of the country.

Yesterday, armed assailants intercepted a national non-governmental organization’s truck and robbed its passengers near the town of Djugu.

This route is considered dangerous by humanitarian workers due to the presence of armed groups. Heavy rains have further delayed humanitarian operations until late at night, exposing them to attacks.

Despite the security situation, our humanitarian partners continue to provide assistance. In November, some 125,000 displaced people in Djugu territory received emergency food assistance.

OCHA stresses the need for humanitarian access to vulnerable people in Djugu territory, which is home to over 686,000 displaced people.


We are concerned about the plight of civilians in Ukraine during the winter, as yet again today there was another wave of attacks in Kherson and Odesa Regions, in the south of the country. These attacks damaged critical civilian infrastructures, including homes, a hospital and a school. Our humanitarian colleagues on the ground also report that the attacks killed and injured civilians.

Also today, but this time closer to the front line - in the Donetsk, Kharkiv and Dnipro Regions - attacks have destroyed and damaged homes, adding new challenges for people who are already dealing with limited access to electricity, water and gas. This is according to local authorities.

These attacks are happening as temperatures are dropping below zero in many parts of the country.

UN and humanitarian organizations are mobilized and providing support to people impacted by today’s attacks in Odesa and Kherson. People whose homes were destroyed or damaged have received temporary accommodation and emergency shelter kits, and legal aid. Our colleagues were on the ground since early in the morning to provide psychological support to people affected and register them for cash assistance, complementing the Government's efforts.

Across Ukraine, in October and November, humanitarian workers reached 800,000 people with specific assistance to cope with the winter. More than 100,000 people were supported with heating, and the same number of people with winter clothing. Additionally, more than 80,000 people received critical household items including blankets, mattresses, bed linen and thermoses.