Today's top news: Somalia

A mother with her baby at the Saacid Nutrition Facility in Jowhar, Somalia.
A mother with her baby at the Saacid Nutrition Facility in Jowhar, Somalia. 13 March 2023. OCHA/ Adedeji Ademigbuji


The devastating floods in Somalia – have now affected some 175,000 people. That’s up from 100,000 just two weeks ago. Overall, 140,000 people have been displaced.

The floods have destroyed shelters and farmland and washed away livestock. Roads have been damaged and schools closed. The worst affected areas are the Baardheere district in Jubaland State and Baidoa in Southwest State.

We and our humanitarian partners are concerned that the rains could worsen outbreaks of waterborne diseases. Since January, at least 4,000 suspected cholera cases and 17 deaths have been reported.

If the rains continue, the flooding could affect as many as 1.6 million people, potentially displacing more than 600,000.

The UN and our partners are responding with assistance for at least 111,000 people – including food, shelter, cash assistance and hygiene kits. We are also rehabilitating latrines and pre-positioning cholera kits and investigation tools.

But there’s still an urgent need for food, shelter, health and other items. And our Humanitarian Response Plan for this year for $2.6 billion is only 15 per cent funded as of today.