Today's top news: Sudan

A mother and her children consult a medical practitioner
A mother and her children consult a medical practitioner in a clinic supported by IOM in Port Sudan. OCHA/Basma Ourfali


We are deeply concerned by ongoing attacks against aid workers and health care in the country.

We are appalled by reports that a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) team was assaulted by armed men in Khartoum yesterday. MSF said the incident happened as the team was moving medical supplies from the organization’s warehouse to the Turkish Hospital, which is one of only two hospitals still operating in all of southern Khartoum.

We underscore that attacks on health care workers and facilities are a violation of international humanitarian law. They must stop now.

The World Health Organization has verified more than 50 attacks on health care since the conflict in Sudan erupted on 15 April.