Today's top news: Sudan

Children writing and playing in a room.
Children - many of them displaced by ongoing violence in Khartoum - at a child friendly space set up by UNICEF. OCHA/Alaa El Kheir


In West Darfur, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has deployed health and social workers to support thousands of displaced and vulnerable women and girls with reproductive health care and protection services, including for survivors of gender-based violence.

And in eastern Sudan yesterday, UNFPA delivered enough reproductive health supplies to support 150,000 women and girls for three months at the Port Sudan Maternity Hospital.

In Gedaref State, teams from the UN Refugee Agency have been distributing cash assistance to more than 830 Sudanese families forced to flee the conflict.

And in White Nile State, UNICEF and partners have launched a child survival campaign. Some 43,000 children under the age of five are receiving measles vaccinations, along with Vitamin A and de-worming treatment. Children suffering from severe acute malnutrition are also being treated immediately after screening.