Today's top news: Sudan

Non-food items being loaded on a truck in eastern Chad, to be delivered to Sudanese refugees currently near the border.
Non-food items being loaded on a truck in eastern Chad, to be delivered to Sudanese refugees currently near the border. 24 April, 2023 UNICEF


The UN and our partners are establishing a core team in Port Sudan. It will be responsible for overseeing humanitarian operations in the country, as well as reopening and scaling up operations, including through negotiating humanitarian access.

The Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, has allocated $3 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund to urgently respond to the arrival of Sudanese refugees and others in Chad.

In Sudan, shortages of food, water, medicines and fuel continue, especially in Khartoum and surrounding areas, while access to communications and electricity is limited in many parts of the country.

In Khartoum, World Health Organization reports that more than 60 per cent of health facilities are closed and only 16 per cent are operating as normal. Our partners tell us that the treatment of nearly 50,000 acutely malnourished children has been disrupted.

In West Darfur, our humanitarian colleagues tell us that clashes, looting and burning of houses in the southern part of Ag Geneina town led to civilians reportedly being killed and displaced. There are also reports of markets being looted, as well humanitarian organizations’ premises.