Today's top news: Sudan

Three women one of whom appears to be talking
Displaced women have a conversation with the UN HC Ms. Nkweta-Salami at a gathering centre in Gedaref. July 2023 OCHA/Ala Kheir


In a statement issued earlier today, the Humanitarian Coordinator there, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, called on parties to the conflict to ensure safe passage for civilians fleeing the fighting.

She warned that many people trapped by the violence have been unable – and in some cases actively prevented – from seeking safety elsewhere. Those that can flee are vulnerable to abuse, theft and harassment.

Ms. Nkweta-Salami said that all civilians, including refugees and others, who are trying to escape conflict zones must be allowed to do so safely, without impediments, and under the protection of the parties to the conflict.

And on that note, the International Organization for Migration tells us that more than 4 million people have now fled the fighting inside Sudan or across the country’s borders. That’s more than 4 million people in less than four months.  

In the past week alone, more than 261,000 people were displaced by the conflict.