Today's top news: Syria

More support to provide urgent health care is needed.
More support to provide urgent health care is needed. OCHA/ Sevim Turkmani


We and our partners continue to respond to the urgent health needs across the country.

Since last month’s earthquakes, we have provided more than 922,000 medical consultations in Government-held areas including more than 500,000 consultations for mental health, and nearly 11,000 trauma consultations.

Fifty-four mobile health teams have been deployed, and we and our partners have supported more than 200 health facilities.

Hospitals urgently need medicines, equipment, reproductive health and other supplies. They also need support for mental health cases and people with chronic illnesses.

Our three-month flash appeal for the earthquake response is 85 percent funded. But the annual Humanitarian Response Plan for Syria, asking for $4.8 billion, is just 5.6 percent funded. We urgently need additional money to meet the needs of some 15.3 million people across Syria.

In the northwest of the country, UN staff have so far completed 39 cross-border missions since the first interagency visit to Idlib on 14 February.

And as of today, more than 1,130 trucks have crossed into northwest Syria from southern Türkiye carrying vital humanitarian aid from 7 UN agencies.