Today's top news: Ukraine

The debris of her apartment in Kharkivska oblast
Valentyna, 62, looks at the debris of her apartment in Kharkivska oblast, Ukraine, destroyed by shelling in March 2022. OCHA/Mateo Minasi


OCHA continues to support the communities affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam.

Two inter-agency convoys - one yesterday and one today - delivered aid to more than 3,000 civilians in four villages of the Tiahynka community, in the Kherson region. The supplies included water and water purification tabs, 30-day food rations, medical supplies and hygiene and shelter kits, among others.

Most of the people in these villages are older people from rural communities impacted by the flooding, which destroyed homes and disrupted critical services, including water, gas and electricity supplies.

These communities have already been enduring the heavy impact of hostilities, which left them without electricity since November last year. The only source of water has been community boreholes, which are no longer safe due to contamination after the flooding.

The latest supplies in the two recent convoys were provided by the International Organization for Migration, UNICEF, UNHCR, the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization and World Vision International. In addition to this, dozens of aid organizations, including UN agencies and NGOs, have been working since day one to support people, complementing the work of local groups and volunteers.