Today's top news: Ukraine, Syria

A man presses a gauze against his ear.
A man tends to his injuries following the shelling on Daret Azza, Aleppo, Syria. 5 October, 2023. Photo: OCHA/Bilal Al-Hammoud


The Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, Denise Brown, visited Hroza today, less than 24 hours after an attack there killed dozens of civilians. 

Ms. Brown said it is a barbaric consequence of the war in Ukraine that 20 per cent of a community can be wiped out in mere seconds.

The humanitarian community is working to support civilians in the area. We and our partners are mobilizing assistance, including medical supplies and health support, shelter maintenance kits, non-food items, cash, hygiene assistance, as well as mental health and psycho-social support.


 UN humanitarian officials have expressed grave concern over the renewed wave of hostilities in the north of the country. 

In a joint statement, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Adam Abdelmoula, and the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator, Muhannad Hadi, said the deadly attacks reported yesterday on several sites are a stark reminder that the country’s crisis continues to devastate civilians and civilian infrastructure. 

Both officials implored all parties to take constant care to spare civilians and civilians objects, in accordance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law.