Tribute to an aid worker: “He was a loving brother.”

Ranilo Buenaventura, wearing a trench coat and glasses, standing outside the United Nations Headquarters, with flags of various countries in the background
Ranilo Buenaventura stands outside the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

On this day 21 years ago, Marcos Buenaventura lost his brother, Ranilo, Personal Assistant to the UN’s top envoy in Iraq, Sérgio Vieira de Mello, when terrorists bombed the UN headquarters in Baghdad. The blast killed Ranilo and 13 others. Marcos, who is an information technology expert with OCHA in New York, pays tribute to his brother.

Ranilo, 47, known affectionately as Ronnie, is a true hero. He was defined by his unwavering generosity, cheerful companionship and deep commitment to humanitarian service.

My brother’s professional journey began at the young age of 18, when he was hired by a brewery company in the Philippines. From there he ventured to Saudi Arabia and eventually moved to the United States, where he found his calling at the UN.

When he was home in the Philippines, Ronnie filled the air with old melodies while he lovingly tended a variety of plants that adorned our house. He was a devoted son, brother and friend, always making time to return to the Philippines to spend time with us. His generosity extended to helping his nephews and nieces with their education, ensuring they have a bright future.

Each homecoming was bittersweet. The joy on our mother's face when she saw him again at her door is unforgettable, her tears reflecting the happiness of having him close. But inevitably the time came for him to leave for his job. The sadness in Ronnie’s eyes as he left was heart-wrenching, but it also reminded us of the deep bond we share.

His friends also cherished him for his infectious cheerfulness and steadfast loyalty. He always uplifted everyone’s spirits with his positive attitude and genuine camaraderie.

Ranilo in a UN office with a panoramic view of New York City's skyline.
Ronnie demonstrated exceptional courage and compassion during his numerous missions.

Ronnie's career with the UN reflects his profound dedication to serving others, starting with the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization, in 1991, and later becoming a key figure in the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (now OCHA). His colleagues praised his systematic approach, organizational skills, hard work and intelligence.

Throughout his career Ronnie undertook numerous missions, including as Sérgio’s Personal Assistant, where he displayed exceptional courage and compassion by assisting colleagues and local citizens in need. His unwavering commitment to humanitarianism highlights his heroic spirit.

Ronnie’s legacy is deeply ingrained in the hearts of those who know him. It reminds us of the profound impact one individual can have on the world. His spirit and values continue to inspire new generations.