Allocation process

The FHRAOC and its country envelopes are managed in accordance with an Operational Manual which is developed at the regional level with specific addenda for each country envelope.

Please find below the Operational Manual and its annexes as well as the addenda by country envelope.

  • Operational manual, which includes:

  • Annex 1. List of documents required for the due diligence process

  • Annex 2.a. Model grant agreement for NGOs

  • Annex 2.b. Grant Agreement with UN Agencies

  • Annex 3.a. Amendment to the Model Grant Agreement for NGOs

  • Annex 3.b. Grant Agreement Amendment with UN Agencies

  • Annex 4. Standard Operating Procedures for Submitting and Processing a Project Revision Request

  • Annex 5. Standard operating procedures for financial spot checks

  • Annex 6. Guidance Note on Fraud and Financial Misconduct. Responsibilities of Implementing Partners for Fraud and Financial Misconduct

  • Annex 6.a. Reporting form on suspected fraudulent acts of partners CONFIDENTIAL

  • Annex 7. Guidance Note on Sexual Misconduct Implementing Partner Responsibilities for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

  • Annex 8. Technical guidance for developing a budget

  • Annex 9. Measures applicable to partners for cases of non-compliance

  • FHRAOC logos (En/Fr)

  • Country addendum - Niger envelope (Fr)

  • Visibility guidelines for projects funded through the RHFWCA [for partners] (En/Fr)