Country-Based Pooled Funds

Students in a classroom renovated by the OCHA-managed Yemen Humanitarian Fund at Al Hussein School in Amran, Yemen.
Students in a classroom renovated by the OCHA-managed Yemen Humanitarian Fund at Al Hussein School in Amran, Yemen. August 2022. Photo: OCHA/YPN-Ahmed Haleem.

Who we are

CBPFs are established when an emergency occurs or when an existing crisis deteriorates. They are managed by OCHA under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) or UN Resident Coordinators (RCs) and in close consultation with the humanitarian community. 

Contributions are collected into single, unearmarked funds. These funds support high-priority projects being undertaken by those best placed to respond (including international and national NGOs and UN agencies) through an inclusive and transparent process that supports priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans. This ensures funding is available and prioritized locally by those closest to people in need. 

The Country-Based Pooled Funds Global Guidelines set out the minimum global standards for effective and efficient management of CBPFs, and they ensure a coherent and harmonized approach to governance and operations. 


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Evaluation and Lessons Learned

Country-Based Pooled Funds 2023 in Review

Letter from the Emergency Relief Coordinator 2023 was an undeniably arduous year marked by unremitting global challenges. From Ukraine and Sudan, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the...

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Evaluation and Lessons Learned

Country-Based Pooled Funds 2022 in Review

Executive summary Executive Summary and Highlights In 2022, the CBPFs allocated a record $1.2 billion, enabling partners to address the humanitarian needs of an estimated 47 million people caught up...

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Evaluation and Lessons Learned

Country-Based Pooled Funds 2021 in Review

Executive summary In 2021, the Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs, the Funds) allocated US$1.01 billion to effective humanitarian action in 20 different crises around the world. This was enabled by...

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These are the CBPFs - Country-based Pooled Funds

The Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) are essential instruments for supporting humanitarian action that saves lives, alleviates suffering and maintains human dignity. The Funds are based in several...


Introducing the Country-Based Pooled Funds

CBPFs Guidelines

Studies and Evaluations

How to donate