Afghanistan: $1.18 billion needed for Afghans in 2002

(Kabul, 28 February): Today in Kabul representatives of the United Nations, the Interim Authority, donors, and NGOs formally launched The Immediate And Transitional Assistance Programme For The Afghan People, 2002 (ITAP). Held at the Presidential Palace, the launch was chaired by Dr. Sima Simar, Minister for Women's Affairs and Vice Chair of the Interim Authority.

Dr. Ashraf Ghani, Director, Afghanistan Assistance Coordination Authority (AACA), said that government ownership of the reconstruction process is imperative and that a "joint partnership" between the Interim Authority and the aid community essential. He emphasized the need for transparency and accountability by all partners in the aid effort. He noted the need for immediate funding, especially for mine action and nutrition.

Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, agreeing with Dr. Ghani, noted that "it is essential that we work with [the Interim Authority} and through it. It is in the order of things that it leads the process of national reconstruction and national policy formation-This is the way to work-in a partnership of equals." He also stressed the responsibility of the international community in assuring security through helping maintain and equip a national army and police force as well as by maintaining and extending the mission of ISAF.

Mr. Kenzo Oshima, Emergency Relief Coordinator for the Office for the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) noted, "despair and oppression have given way to a great sense of hope and aspiration." He stressed the need to continue consultations with the Interim Authority and stated that the United Nations is firmly committed to this process. He also noted that the core of the assistance programme is "to help the Interim Authority build national capacity -The new government needs capacity at all levels...ultimately and most importantly-the capacity to provide basic services to its people." As the same time, he highlighted the need to ensure the survival of millions of vulnerable Afghans who depend on international assistance for their survival. Of immediate concern, he stressed the need for assisting refugees and internally displaced persons, mine action, education, social services, and job creation. "Now is the time to deliver on the substantial promises made in Tokyo for the year 2002," he emphasized.

The ITAP seeks to help over nine million Afghans who will need humanitarian aid in 2002.

It offers a comprehensive approach to relief, recovery, reconstruction, and reintegration needs for Afghans in Afghanistan and in neighbouring countries. It covers the period from October 2001 to December 2002 and incorporates the earlier donor alert and its updates. It also includes recovery activities spelled out in the Preliminary Needs Assessment, presented in Tokyo.

The total funds needed according to the ITAP are about 1.8 billion dollars. Since $416 million has already been pledged 1.18 billion dollars are still needed.

The areas that require funding are food assistance, food security, agriculture and environment, nutrition, health, water and sanitation, shelter, housing, and urban renewal, protection and promotion of human rights, gender, mine action, education, refugees, returnees and reintegration assistance, governance, employment, infrastructure and coordination and common services

The aid community is currently engaged in discussions with the Interim Administration, to make sure the programmes drawn up are consistent with the priorities of the Administration. In that sense, the ITAP is a "living document," and will be reviewed and revised regularly during 2002.