Afghanistan: UN raises arrest of aid workers with Taliban

ISLAMABAD: (Office of the UN Co-ordinator for Afghanistan) 7 August 2001: The UN Co-ordinator's Office for Afghanistan expressed its serious concern over the recent arrest of 24 humanitarian aid workers, eight of whom are foreigners, of the NGO Shelter Now International during a meeting today with high level Taliban officials. "We were given to understand that a review of the case against the foreigners and the Afghan nationals arrested is underway and is expected to be completed within a few days" said Eliane Duthoit, the UN Regional Co-ordinator based in Kabul. The UN did not meet with the aid workers imprisoned. Assurances were however received about their well being.
The Office of the United Nations Co-ordinator for Afghanistan has been in constant touch with officials from embassies of the international staff arrested to provide all necessary support to bilateral initiatives and discussions with the Taliban.

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is one of the worst in the world as a result of the combined effects of the worst drought in living memory and the continuing conflict affecting many areas of the country. This dramatic situation has provoked massive increase in population displacement bringing the overall number of internally displaced in Afghanistan close to one million persons.

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