Inter-Agency Emergency Meeting: Situation of Afghan displaced population along the Tajik-Afghan border

Following a report by Merlin on the situation of the Afghan displaced population, the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator, Dr. Ivanov, called an inter-agency emergency meeting to discuss ways and means of addressing the urgent life-saving needs without compromising the conditions established by UNHCR. Dr. Ivanov requested Merlin to present their findings and recommendations to the participants.
Mr. Ashley of Merlin reported that polio vaccination was carried out in both islands successfully, and that a number of sick people were also treated. The medical situation has deteriorated compared to the last visit in early February. The team observed signs of malnutrition among the children. Common diseases such as diarroea, scan infections, ARI, etc. had also increased over the past month. It was also reported that food situation was very bad, particularly in island number 13 and in some packets in island no. 9. Morbidity and mortality may increase if food and vitamins were not provided within the next two weeks, especially in island no. 13. The Merlin team recommends provision of targeted food supplemented with vitamins, continued medical assistance, improved access and initiating a nutrition survey. Water was considered to be a problem but not very serious at this point.

Dr. Ivanov requested the participants to comment on Merlin's report, and make clear recommendations. Mr. Fredric Russell of Acted stated that, following the initial report of Merlin, Acted decided to send 10 MT food commodities to the site no. 13 immediately. Acted is willing to provide assistance, although the situation has become more complicated with the conditions established by UNHCR. Dr. Ivanov stated that we could recommend OCHA to play an efficient role in facilitating the activities of NGOs and propose low-key "self-target" assistance. We could also encourage the Russian Border Forces (RBF) to provide more assistance.

Mr. Rahman of UNHCR stated that Merlin report was sent to UNHCR headquarters and that there has been no change in UNHCR position. If all agencies wish to work on the islands irrespective of the conditions given by UNHCR, it is their decision. But UNHCR could not be party to such decision because it considers the fulfillment of those conditions necessary for operational reasons, more specifically, protection of the displaced population and targeted distribution excluding the combatants. UNHCR also taught that it is necessary for the country team to speak with the same voice which is likely to be compromised in the present approach recalling the past demarche for asking for asylum for the displaced population. It was reiterated that the NGO community should also see the wisdom of the proposal UNHCR has made and support the initiative. Concerns were raised by several participants about the possibility of these conditions to be implemented by the Tajik Government.

Mr. Hadj-Chikh of WFP stated that he and WFP Regional Director visited the site number 13 last Thursday. The situation was serious but not dramatic. He asked if WHO would like to provide medicine and suggested that food and medicine supplement each other in the form of a package. Meanwhile consultation could be carried out in a systematic way in order not to harm organizational decisions. Mr. Hadj-Chikh stated that Acted's proposal of carrying a survey would help negotiate better access which could led to the fulfillment of one of the conditions established by HCR. He also suggested that the team should come up with clear recommendations which would help headquarters to make a decision whether to support or not. Mr. Burgess of ECHO stated that linking food with medicine should not limit provision of food only to sick people. Mr. Mougin of Action Against Hunger expressed his desire to carry out a nutritional survey and proposed that food and supplementary feeding should be provided immediately to prevent further malnourishment.

Recommendations and Conclusions:

Participants understand and recognize the conditions established by UNHCR, although some doubted if these could or were to be met by the authorities. Nevertheless, the UNHCR position was supported in principle and it was recommended that UNHCR should continue negotiations with the Government to fulfill these conditions. OCHA and other members of the Country Team would support this effort.

Supplementary food assistance could be linked with medical assistance as a package.

NGOs could look into the possibility of putting their resources together to carry out a comprehensive survey to determine the exact number of the displaced population. AAH, ACTED and Merlin will make a proposal to OCHA to implement this recommendation.


Celine Rijouste - Action Against Hunger
Philippe Mougin - Action Against Hunger
Bouchan Hadj-Chikh - WFP
Sabir Kurbanov - UNICEF
Ashley McAllen - MERLIN
Paul Handley - Merlin
Aghaghia Rahimzade - RC Intern
Stephane Nicolas - ACTED
Frederic Roussel - ACTED
Peter Burgess - ECHO
Alain Therry - ECHO
Zafar Teshaev - ECHO
Akbar Usmani - UNDP
Jeus Burgdarff - ORA International
Taslimur Rahman - UNHCR
Dost M. Yousufzai - UNHCR
Azam Zuminov - RCST
HamdamHomidov - RCST
Elizabeth Knecht - ICRC
Simon Martyn - IFRC
Lotta Relander - IFRC
Guenter Werker - German Embassy
Zoltan Biro - UN FSO
Graeme Glover - Mission East
Ton Koene - MSF-Holland
Abdurahim Muhidov - USAID
Oisha Gafurova - CHAP
James Gershin - CHAP
Lyubomir Ivanov - WHO
Abdul Haq Amiri - OCHA
Marzia Nazarova - OCHA