OCHA briefs the informal Security Council Expert Group on the Protection of Civilians in Afghanistan

On 4 October, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) briefed the informal Security Council Expert Group on the Protection of Civilians on the issues pertaining to the protection of civilians in Afghanistan, in advance of the renewal of the Council's authorisation of the mandate of ISAF.

On the basis of information received from humanitarian and human rights actors in the field and at headquarters, OCHA raised the following key protection concerns:

  • The conduct of hostilities and the worsening impact of the conflict on civilians, with increased and widespread use of Improvised Explosive Devices in densely populated areas; a rise in the number of civilian deaths from suicide attacks, targeted assassinations and air strikes; the need for more systematic implementation of ISAF and NATO tactical directives; and concerns over the capacity of the Afghan National Security Forces to ensure the protection of civilians with respect for the rule of law and human rights;

  • The increased displacement of the civilian population, principally as a result of the conflict, with a multiplication of situations of secondary and protracted displacements;

  • The impact of hostilities on children, including children being recruited and used by all parties; the killing and maiming of children; attacks against schools and education personnel; and numerous instances of sexual and gender based violence, particularly against boys;

  • The impact of the conflict on women, with the breakdown of protection mechanisms compounding the perpetuation of harmful practices; acts of intimidation aimed at preventing girls from attending school; and acts of sexual violence.

The Security Council Expert Group on the Protection of Civilians is an informal forum chaired by the United Kingdom that was established at the beginning of 2009, in which OCHA - on behalf of the humanitarian community - brings to the attention of the Security Council current key protection concerns in a particular context on its agenda.