OCHA ROMENACA Quarterly Regional Humanitarian Funding Update - 1st Quarter, January - March 2011


Regional Humanitarian Funding Update Q1 2011 highlights:

  • Total humanitarian requirements in the MENACA region as expressed in humanitarian appeals amount to US$3.8 billion. The requirements were 49 per cent funded at the end of the first quarter (Q1) of 2011.
  • The four appeals launched between November 2010 and March 2011 – Afghanistan, occupied Palestinian territory, Yemen (all renewed annual appeals) and Libya - were between 8 and 45 per cent funded. The two extended flash appeals continuing from 2010 – Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan floods – were 66 and 69 per cent funded, respectively.
  • The Libya Flash Appeal was launched on 7 March 2011 requesting $160 million. Requirements were later updated to $310 million. The appeal was over a third funded by the end of Q1.
  • The spill-over effect of the crisis in Libya led to a CERF allocation of $5 million to Tunisia to cope with the influx of people from Libya.
  • During Q1 2011, countries in the MENACA region contributed $43 million to humanitarian action worldwide.