OCHA ROMENACA Quarterly Regional Humanitarian Funding Update - 2nd-3rd Quarter, April-September 2011 [EN/AR]


Main Findings:

»» The five active appeals in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia region at the end of Q3 2011 (Afghanistan, Pakistan Floods, Yemen, oPt and Libya) require a combined US$2.17 billion in funding. The appeals have received a total of $1.1 billion, or 51 per cent.

»» The Pakistan Floods appeal 2011, requesting US$356 million, is under-funded at slightly above 20 per cent. The previous 2010 Pakistan floods appeal requested five times as much ($1.9 billion) and was 70 per cent funded when it expired in July.

»» The Kyrgyzstan Flash Appeal, asking for US$94 million, came to an end in June 2011 and has been 69.7 per cent funded.

»» Individuals, governments and organizations in the MENACA region have generously supported the response to the Horn of Africa Crisis with $485 million, overwhelmingly through private contributions. In Turkey, $270 million was raised through a telethon.

»» From July to September 2011, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has injected $24.2 million into emergencies in the MENACA region.