Statement attributable to the Spokesman of the Secretary-General: Murder of relief workers in Afghanistan

The Secretary-General was deeply saddened to learn of the ambush and murder of seven relief workers on 5 August 2000 while traveling from Badghis to Herat in western Afghanistan. He was shocked at the depth of the violence of this unwarranted attack on humanitarian personnel that included the torching of the two vehicles being used by the victims.
The relief workers were part of the UN-supported mine action programme for Afghanistan, which is a vital component of the humanitarian programme in the country.

The Secretary-General extends his condolences to the families of the deceased and to the Afghan non-governmental organization-OMAR - which employed them. The use of land mines in Afghanistan continues to jeopardize the safety and lives of civilians and relief workers.

The Secretary-General calls upon all parties involved in the conflict in Afghanistan to take immediate measures to apprehend those responsible for this crime and to bring them to justice. The Secretary-General hopes that urgent steps will be taken to ensure the safety of humanitarian personnel and civilians in Afghanistan.

For more information please contact:

Rosa Malango, 1-212-963-2380, OCHA, New York
Donato Kiniger Passigli, 41-22-917-2653, OCHA Geneva