Statement by Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, United Nations DSRSG, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator on UN staying to support aid response in Afghanistan, 17 August 2021


Kabul, 17 August 2021: The United Nations in Afghanistan reiterate their commitment to stay and deliver aid to millions of people in need in the country. While some UN personnel that are not location dependent has temporarily been relocated, the majority of humanitarian personnel are staying to support the humanitarian response in line with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.

The humanitarian community – both the UN and non-governmental organizations – remain committed to helping people in Afghanistan. While the situation is highly complex, humanitarian agencies are committed to supporting vulnerable people in Afghanistan who need us more than ever.

For further information, please contact: Linda Tom, Public Information Officer, OCHA Afghansitan +93 793 001 110