Statement by Toby Lanzer, United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator


Kabul, 12 May 2020: I am outraged by today’s attack on the Sad Bistar Hospital in Kabul causing the deaths and injuries of innocent civilians, including women and newborn babies.

At the time of the attack, several non-governmental organisations were working at the 100-bed hospital full of patients and medical staff.

I send my heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes for a speedy and full recovery to the injured.
It beggars belief that such a heinous act could be committed when Afghanistan is being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Civilians receiving care in hospitals, health workers, medical infrastructure and aid workers are protected under International Humanitarian Law; violations must be investigated and those behind the attacks brought to justice.

For further information, please contact:

Linda Tom, Public Information Officer OCHA Afghanistan ( / +93 (0)793 001 110)