Statement by Toby Lanzer, United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator on attacks on healthcare in Afghanistan


(Kabul, 10 July 2019): I am deeply concerned by three separate attacks between 6 and 9 July resulting in the death of five health workers employed by non-governmental organisations.

My heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased.

Afghanistan is among the world’s deadliest conflicts and all parties should protect and facilitate the work of aid workers, in particular those working in the health sector. However, so far in 2019, 77 aid workers have been killed, injured or abducted compared with 76 in all of 2018.

International Humanitarian Law obliges all parties to protect humanitarian aid workers, health workers and infrastructure; where this has not been the case, incidents need to be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice.

For further information, please contact:

Linda Tom, Public Information Officer OCHA Afghanistan ( / +93 (0)793 001 110)