Statement by Zlatan Milisic, Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. on attack causing civilian casualties and destruction of a hospital in Zabul


KABUL, 19 September 2019 – I am deeply concerned to learn of today’s attack in Zabul in the south of the country which caused severe damage to a hospital. Reports indicate that 15 people have died and 80 are injured. Amongst the casualties are patients, doctors and hospital staff. The number of casualties is expected to increase.

I express my deepest condolences to the families of those killed and wish a speedy recovery to those injured.

The hospital suffered heavy structural damage and is now out of service. Access to quality primary healthcare already is a challenge in Afghanistan. Zabul is among the most under-served provinces where 60 per cent of the population are more than two hours away from any health facility. This year, 133 attacks on health facilities and personnel were recorded across the country.

The UN urges all parties to the conflict to respect and protect civilians and civilian infrastructure including all health staff, patients and structures in compliance with international humanitarian law.

For further information, please contact:
Linda Tom, Public Information Officer OCHA Afghanistan ( / +93 (0)793 001 110)