UN allocates $34.6 million to drought response in Afghanistan


(Kabul, 16 October 2018): The United Nations’ Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) and Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) have allocated $34.6 million in emergency aid to support 2.2 million people affected by a severe drought.

With these funds, 7 national NGOs, 15 international NGOs and 4 UN agencies will distribute food and seeds, maintain primary health services, provide emergency shelter, safe drinking water, improve hygiene and sanitation, treat severe malnutrition, and help farmers protect their livestock.

“The impact of the ongoing drought spans the north and west of the country leaving communities in deep distress. Village elders in rural areas tell me that this is the worst drought in their lifetime, and that food, fodder and seeds are needed urgently,” said Toby Lanzer, Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan. “The drought has forced a quarter of a million people from their land, and for the displaced, the need for shelter is critical as winter approaches.”

“The drought comes on top of years of conflict and poverty, and therefore humanitarian assistance goes hand in hand with development programmes to address underlying factors such as poverty and climate change. Our work is closely coordinated with the authorities, yet still more needs to be done so the people of Afghanistan can withstand severe shocks such as this drought.”

The CERF is a global fund managed by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator. The AHF is one of currently 18 country-based pooled funds. Managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on behalf of the Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan, it plays a vital role in ensuring an effective, coordinated, and prioritized humanitarian response, providing funding to international and national NGOs, and UN agencies.

Since the start of 2018, the AHF allocated $47.7 million in contributions, thanks to the generous support of Australia, Denmark, Norway, Qatar, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations Foundation.


For further information, please contact: Jens Oppermann, Head of Humanitarian Financing