UN to hold more talks with the Taliban on women's employment

ISLAMABAD - The UN Co-ordinator, Erick de Mul, traveled to Kandahar yesterday to follow up with the Taliban authorities on the recent issue concerning the employment of women that surfaced in Kabul on 6th July 2000.
On his return Mr. De Mul reported that the issue concerning the employment of women by the UN in Afghanistan was in the process of being resolved. Mr. De Mul described the discussions with the Foreign Minister, Mullah Mutawakil, as "positive".

The UN Co-ordinator had earlier expressed concern that should the edict be put into effect, it would have a detrimental effect on the United Nations' capacity to deliver aid to Afghans. Mr. De Mul said, "the Taliban Foreign Minister Mullah Mutawakil agreed to take up the issue with the concerned bodies," and concluded that he was hopeful that an enduring solution would be found in the coming days.

While women are restricted from working in the Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan, in the past, exceptions have been made for women working in the health sector and other essential roles within national and international organizations. Without their continued participation, a number of humanitarian assistance programmes for Afghanistan would be severely constrained.

A major concern has been the possible effect on WFP's bakery projects. The World Food Programme is currently feeding 1.5 million Afghans in the country. According to the UN Co-ordinator, it was understood that the bakery projects would continue unhindered.

Mr. Erick De Mul is planning to travel to Kabul on Sunday to continue his discussions with the Taliban authorities on behalf of the UN to ensure resolution of this issue.

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