United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan strongly condemns today’s separate attacks in Balkh, Kabul and Kunduz Provinces [EN/Dari/PS]


The UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan, Mr. Ramiz Alakbarov, strongly condemns the three separate attacks today in Balkh, Kabul and Kunduz provinces, which have reportedly killed up to 30 people, and injured scores more.

According to reports, one explosion occurred in Seh Dokan mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, killing at least 10 worshippers and wounding another forty. Officials fear that the number of casualties could rise as victims are received in hospitals. Earlier in the day, an improvised explosive device in Police District 5 of Kabul city mildly wounded two youngsters.

Also, in a separate incident in Sardawar, Kunduz Province, eleven people were reportedly killed or injured by a third blast.

Mr. Alakbarov expresses his profound condolences to the families of the civilian victims and those affected by today’s attacks and wishes the injured a speedy recovery. “The people of Afghanistan have already endured immense suffering, and must be spared from such senseless and horrific attacks,” Mr. Alakbarov said. “I urge all parties to fully adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law to ensure the safety of civilians and civilian facilities.” Today’s tragic incidents come just two days after suicide bombings outside educational facilities in western Kabul killed at least six people and injured many children.

For further information, please contact: Katherine Carey, Deputy Head of Office, OCHA Afghanistan, carey2@un.org, Mobile +93 79 300 3700 www.unocha.org www.reliefweb.int