United Nations staff return to Kandahar

Islamabad (Office of the United Nations Co-ordinator for Afghanistan), 13 April 2000 -- United Nations international staff returned to Kandahar, Afghanistan on April 12. The return followed several meetings between United Nations officials in Islamabad, Kabul, and Kandahar. In the course of these meetings, Taleban officials reaffirmed their commitment to uphold their agreements, co-operate in maintaining UN security, and respect UN immunities in the future. Specific suggestions for enhancing security procedures were agreed between the United Nations and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Staff were withdrawn from Kandahar on 28 March due to the incursion of armed Taliban in several United Nations premises in Kandahar over the course of a three-day period. These actions violated formal agreements between the United Nations and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan signed in May 1998.

The scale of humanitarian assistance in southern Afghanistan has steadily increased due to the vulnerability of the population. The United Nations remains committed to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of southern Afghanistan. Important UN programmes in the area include a major WFP emergency food assistance programme for 200,000 people, joint UN projects aimed at alleviating the effects of the widespread drought, repatriation to southern Afghanistan, and medical assistance including preparations for this year's National Immunisation Days to eradicate polio.

Due to the resolution of this issue, these programmes will now be resumed.