USG and Emergency Relief Coordinator launches "OCHA in 2002"

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 4 February (OCHA) - Mr. Kenzo Oshima, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, today launched OCHA in 2002: Activities and Extrabudgetary Funding Requirements at a meeting of the Humanitarian Liaison Working Group in New York, with a parallel meeting taking place this afternoon in Geneva. In reviewing the events of 2001 in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other conflict and disaster-afflicted countries, Mr. Oshima noted that "more than ever, OCHA's role as coordinator of humanitarian assistance efforts is critical to the success of emergency response."
This year, OCHA is requesting a total of some $61.1 million in extra-budgetary funding for its coordination activities around the world, excluding Afghanistan, for which requirements are delineated in the Inter-Agency Appeal. Just under $9 million of the department's requirements for 2002 are covered through the regular budget. The current request for extra-budgetary funding reflects a slight decrease from the previous year's total of $63.2 million.

In the ten years since an office responsible for the coordination of humanitarian affairs was established in the United Nations Secretariat, there has been a dramatic increase in the number and magnitude of complex emergencies and natural disasters that have required the urgent attention of the international community. At present, OCHA has offices in 34 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe - nearly doubling its field presence over the last five years alone. This year, it will consolidate its offices in the Horn of Africa into a regional support office for Central and East Africa, and establish a regional support office in West Africa. It will also strengthen capacities for disaster response regionally in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

OCHA 2002 reports in detail on its activities in five priority areas: rapid and more effective response in both complex emergencies and natural disasters; targeted policy development that builds on lessons learned and meets the needs of the field; effective and integrated humanitarian advocacy efforts; strengthened capacity for information management and communication technology support at headquarters and in the field; and further development of OCHA into an efficient, well-funded department guided by strong leadership and vision.

The full text of the document is available at For additional information, please contact Elizabeth Byrs at 41-22-917-2653 or Brian Grogan at 212-963-1143.