Angola: Assessments underway in newly accessible areas

Luanda, 19 April 2002 - The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr Erick de Mul, announced the launching on 18 April of a rapid assessment of critical needs. During the next three weeks, joint teams will assess conditions in 36 areas in 13 provinces. These areas have been inaccessible during the past several years to humanitarian agencies due to insecurity and logistical constraints. The aim of the assessment is to identify the most acute humanitarian needs of at-risk populations and the concrete actions that are urgently required to stabilise vulnerable populations.
The 36 areas were chosen on the basis of information received from local administrations, churches and humanitarian agencies. According to Mr de Mul, "Most of these areas have been without humanitarian assistance for a prolonged period of time. We estimate that as many as 500,000 people in these locations may require some kind of emergency, life-saving assistance."

The assessments will be coordinated under the leadership of the Inter-sectoral Commission for the Peace Process, with support from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Reintegration and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Assessment teams will be composed of Government representatives, UN Agencies and NGO partners. The teams will assess critical needs in food security, health, nutrition, water, sanitation, shelter, non-food items and education in each location. A standardised assessment report and plan of integrated action will be drafted for each location. The integrated plans will identify the roles of the Government, UN Agencies and NGOs in each sector. A consolidated final report will help to prioritise emergency interventions and will serve as the basis for the mid-term review of the 2002 Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Angola.

"The humanitarian situation in Angola remains critical. Once we have identified the most acute needs in the 36 locations, it will be crucial that the Government takes the lead in providing humanitarian assistance. UN Agencies, donor and NGOs are willing and ready to support the Government's activities to assist vulnerable Angolans," said Mr de Mul.

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