Angola: Humanitarian Coordinator appeals for urgent funding

Luanda, 7 March 2002 - The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr Erick de Mul, appealed today to donors for urgent funding to keep the humanitarian operation in Angola running.
The humanitarian situation in the country is deteriorating sharply. Despite the recent death of the head of UNITA, Jonas Savimbi, on 22 February, military operations are ongoing. According to Mr de Mul, "The continuation of the war will inevitably lead to increased and deepening vulnerability."

Humanitarian partners estimate that if current trends continue, approximately 300,000 Angolans will become newly displaced during the next six months, bringing the total number of displaced in the country to 4.6 million and increasing the current emergency caseload by nearly 25 percent.

The humanitarian operation is stretched to the limit. UN Agencies and NGOs are already operating at full capacity and do not have sufficient resources to address the critical needs of additional internally displaced persons.

"As a result of inadequate funding, humanitarian organisations are facing a shortfall of emergency stocks and lack personnel and capacity to respond to rapidly growing needs. Millions of vulnerable people are living in life-threatening conditions and more will be at serious risk if action is not taken immediately. Urgent funding is required to ensure that life-saving assistance gets to the people who need it without delay," said de Mul.

A Special Report on the humanitarian situation in Angola will be issued by UN Agencies today.

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