Angola: Mine incident in Mavinga, Kuando Kubango Province

Luanda, 2 December 2002 - The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Angola, Mr Erick de Mul, expressed his condolences for the victims of the mine incident that occurred on Friday, 29 November, in Kuando Kubango Province. The victims were returning from conducting a vaccination campaign in Cunjamba, north of Mavinga, when their vehicle detonated a mine.
Mr de Mul said, "We would like to express our sincere condolences to the families and colleagues of all who lost their lives or were injured in this terrible accident. The work they were doing was very important and this tragedy is upsetting to all members of the humanitarian community."

Mr de Mul also expressed concern for the safety of other humanitarian workers, particularly in newly accessible and heavily mined areas. "Mine action must be one of our top priorities for the coming year. We have a commitment to reach as many vulnerable populations as we can and demining and mine awareness activities are key to ensuring the continuity of operations and the safety of staff working in remote areas."

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OCHA Angola
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