UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Angola expresses concern regarding nine missing humanitarian workers

LUANDA, 23 May: - The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Angola today expressed serious concern about nine humanitarian workers who have not been accounted for since last Monday=B4s armed attack on Golungo Alto in Kwanza Norte Province. The humanitarian workers of Assistência Médica Internacional (AMI), Médecins sans Frontières-Belgium (MSF-B) and World Vision International (WVI) disappeared during the early morning attack on the town, situated approximately 180 km southeast of Luanda. They had been working in Golungo Alto on projects related to food distribution, agriculture, sleeping sickness prevention and resettlement activities.
As of Tuesday evening, 2,326 persons (714 families) from Golungo Alto who had fled by foot and trekked 55 km to safety had been registered at four registration points outside the city of Ndalatando. Approximately 500 unaccompanied children are included among the registered IDPs. Food and medical assistance is being provided and the IDPs are being temporarily relocated to two warehouses in Ndalatando.

For further information, please contact:

Information Unit
OCHA Angola
+244 2 448 205
+244 2 444 321

OCHA Angola
Av. Comandante Valódia 206 - 5 Andar Luanda Angola
Telefone: (244-2) 444321/448205/441072
Fax Local: (244-2-442710)