UN launches $91.2 million Inter-Agency Appeal for Angola

to cover humanitarian, social reintegration needs in 1998

NEW YORK, 13 February (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) -- The United Nations today launched a Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Angola, requesting $91.2 million to cover humanitarian and social reintegration needs during 1998.

The positive impact of political and military developments last year was not reflected in the provinces, where continued tension and a volatile security situation resulted in new population displacements and increased difficulties in providing humanitarian assistance. Under these changed circumstances, United Nations agencies and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) defined possible scenarios to maintain a focus on meeting priority needs, while retaining a capacity to respond to emergency requirements. The latter covers food aid, distribution of basic agricultural inputs, access to basic health care, educational services, clean water, basic sanitation services, and transport assistance.

The Appeal is structured to support an expected gradual consolidation of peace, which will allow for the resettlement and reintegration of internally displaced persons, returnees, the disabled and underage demobilized soldiers. The Appeal will also provide support to the national demining and mine- awareness programme, and assist the Government in strengthening its capacity to coordinate the humanitarian programme nationwide.

The Inter-Agency Appeal addresses the needs of over 1 million Angolans who continue to suffer from the effects of conflict. Resource mobilization for longer-term rehabilitation and recovery activities will be undertaken through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/government round table mechanism, within the context of the National Community Rehabilitation Programme. The Government of Angola will lead the joint monitoring process to facilitate the phased incorporation in its national programme of elements of the Appeal relating to the resettlement and to emergency rehabilitation.