United Nations in Angola flags looming humanitarian tragedy

Today the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs presented the findings of a rapid needs assessment undertaken in 31 locations throughout Angola in close collaboration with the Government, UN agencies and NGOs. During a meeting of the humanitarian community in the nation's capital, senior Government officials and representatives of UN agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations and donors were briefed on the critical needs of both internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host families identified by the assessment mission.
As part of the commitment of the United Nations to continue to avert a major humanitarian catastrophe in Angola, efforts are already underway to develop an action plan and a resource mobilization mechanism to respond urgently to the critical needs identified during this exercise. In the eyes of the Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., Carolyn McAskie, "it is important for the international community and the Government of Angola to react promptly if we are to avert the current crisis from becoming a major humanitarian tragedy.

This rapid assessment follows a recent United Nations inter-agency mission to Angola that was led by Ms. McAskie from 18-23 March. The inter-agency mission, which had been asked by the Secretary-General to investigate the conditions of and the status of the provision of assistance to IDPs in the country, recommended at the time that a rapid appraisal of the humanitarian situation be undertaken as soon as possible.

For further information please contact:
Donato Kiniger-Passigli, OCHA, Geneva (tel.: 917 2653)
Rosa Malango, OCHA, New York (tel.: 963 4832/2380)