REDLAC Weekly Note on Emergencies: Latin America & The Caribbean - Year 2, Issue 131


This note is compiled for The Risk Emergency Disaster Working Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (REDLAC) by the OCHA Regional Office through disaster monitoring and input from our Regional Humanitarian partners. This note does not intend to be an analytical tool, but a summary paper of key facts and actions reported by sources. Activities carried in affected countries are not limited to the ones reported here. Please check with sources for further information. For input, feedback and suggestions send us an email to


- EL SALVADOR: Has declared a national emergency with around 13,600 people in shelters due to flooding.

- NICARAGUA: Estimates suggest around 22,000 people affected and 7,000 people in shelters due to floods.

- MEXICO: More than 200,000 people affected may be affected by flooding.