

From January to the end of September 2010, CERF has allocated over $372 million, more than the historical annual average of $355 million. During the third quarter of 2010, CERF allocated $90 million. Given funding levels of previous years, CERF disbursements for 2010 will likely pass the $400 million mark by the end of the year.

The second round of underfunded allocations for 2010 has been completed. Some $42 million has been allocated to underfunded humanitarian operations in nine countries across the globe where people are suffering the effects of hunger, malnutrition, disease, and conflict.

In September, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the appointment of 18 members to the CERF Advisory Group. Eleven of the 18 members have previously served on the Advisory Group. Their continued service helps to ensure the continuation of the institutional memory of the Advisory Group, one-third of which should rotate every year. A complete list of the members can be found on the CERF website. The next meeting of the CERF Advisory Group will be held in Geneva on 2 and 3 November. The Group, among other things, will review the use and management of the CERF to date, consider the CERF resource mobilization strategy and discuss the findings of FAO's evaluation on CERF.

In the immediate aftermath of the floods in Pakistan, BASF, a multinational chemical company, organized a fundraising campaign among its employees worldwide - BASF matched employee giving dollar for dollar. BASF and its employees raised $330,000 for humanitarian response in Pakistan. Hip-hop artists Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, and Erykah Badu urged fans to help victims of Pakistan's devastating floods through their Twitter pages. Fans were sent messages to: "Help in Pakistan_NOW: Text CERF to 90999 to donate $5 to UN foundation. If you can't donate dollars at least donate tweets! It's all about raising awareness @Pakistan_Now." Through the UN Foundation campaign, CERF received an additional $80,000 for relief efforts.

The CERF High Level Conference, hosted by Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and Under- Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos, will take place on 13 and 14 December 2010 in New York. Member States and Observers will receive a full account of CERF activities and are expected to announce their pledges for 2011. Prior to the conference, CERF will hold Member State Briefings in New York (26 October) and Geneva (4 November).