Media Advisory - Unprecedented deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel



Ms. Millicent Mutuli, Regional bureau Director, UNHCR
M. Manenji Mangundu, Country Director, NRC in Burkina Faso
M. Gouantoueu Robert Guei, Sub-regional Coordinator for West Africa, FAO
Ms. Dabagai Dabagai, Country Director, ACF in Mali
Ms. Ramatou Kane, Programme Director a.i. and head of Women empowerment programme, Plan International, in Niger
Ms. Sophie Nonnenmacher, Regional Director a.i., IOM

Moderated by Ms. Julie Belanger, Head of OCHA West and Central Africa


Presentations and exchanges on the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in the Sahel with the Regional Directors of UN agencies and representatives of humanitarian organisations and programmes in Mali,
Burkina Faso and Niger.

WHEN: 14 May 2020 from 3.00pm to 4.00pm +0000 UTC

WHERE: Virtual briefing via WEBEX / Password: Sahel2020

Meeting ID: 615 520 544

UN humanitarian agencies and non-governmental organizations are sounding the alarm about the rapidly deteriorating crisis in the Sahel, leading to unprecedented levels of humanitarian needs across the region, much of it resulting from escalating conflict, rising food insecurity and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. These crises have the potential to devastate the region, endangering millions of people and require urgent attention.

This exchange will take place following a virtual humanitarian briefing to Member States, calling for renewed support and increased funding for the humanitarian response.

The event will also later be webcast on Facebook

For further details, and interview requests, please contact:

Naomi Frerotte, OCHA,, +221 77 639 21 38
Romain Desclous, UNHCR,, +221786396385
Florence Kim, IOM,, +221 78 620 6213
Yacine Cisse, FAO,, +221772456446
Christelle Hure, ACF,, +221786392954
Tom Peyre-Costa, NRC,, +33658518391
Jaire Somo Moutcheu, Plan International,, +237677660377