Statement to the press on Burkina Faso: Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos


Humanitarian chief supports Burkina Faso’s approach to food crisis: Address urgent needs now and build resilience to future emergencies

(Ouagadougou/New York, 22 May 2012) The United Nations and its partners are supporting the efforts of the Government of Burkina Faso to respond to the food and nutrition crisis, which is affecting some 2.8 million people - or a fifth of the population - as well as some 60,000 Malian refugees, said Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos today.

USG Amos has just completed a two-day visit to Burkina Faso, where she visited the capital, Ouagadougou, and Djibo, Mentao and Ingani in the north. She met President Blaise Compaore and Prime Minister Luc-Adolphe Tiao to discuss the Government response plans and reviewed the current efforts of humanitarian agencies in the country. “Many families have had to sell their livestock to cover their household food needs or they are eating the seeds that they should plant for the next season,” warned Ms. Amos.

Ms. Amos met some of the people who have crossed the border from Mali and are now staying in a camp in Mentao. “While they are very appreciative of the people and Government of Burkina Faso, they are worried about a number of things,” said Valerie Amos, citing the limited water and sanitation facilities; the quality and type of food; and the need for schools for young people. “I was pleased to see that the people in the local communities, who are sharing the little they have, are also being helped,” she noted.

Welcoming the Government’s approach, which includes improving water conservation, making irrigation systems more efficient and increasing agriculture output through better fertilization and seed choices, as well as livestock management, USG Amos said, “The focus is on bridging the gap between relief efforts now and longer-term development initiatives. And we need the resources to do it.”

On Monday, USG Valerie Amos and the Minister for Territorial Administration, Security and Decentralization, Mr. Jérôme Bougouma, launched an appeal for US$126 million dollars, which proposes a response to the food and nutrition insecurity, including health, water, sanitation and hygiene measures.