UN and partners publish overview of humanitarian needs in Burkina Faso and launch Response Plan aimed at the priority needs of the most vulnerable


(Ouagadougou, 4 April 2023): Two documents published on 31 March outline in detail the support planned by humanitarian partners to the national response in Burkina Faso.

The Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO 2023) puts forward an evaluation of estimated humanitarian needs for 2023, while the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP 2023) is a prioritization of humanitarian interventions to structure and monitor the response carried out by the United Nations and partners in Burkina Faso.

The HRP 2023 also calls on humanitarian donors to respond to the identified needs with $877 million required for prioritised assistance based on the needs and vulnerabilities of affected people.

According to the HNO 2023, the needs of affected people have increased both in terms of severity and geographic scope since 2022. One out of five people in Burkina Faso (4.7 million people) are in need of humanitarian aid, while one out of ten people (1.9 million) are internally displaced.

“The humanitarian situation in Burkina Faso in 2023 is more worrying than ever. This plan is highly prioritised and aimed at supporting the 3.1 million women, men, and children experiencing the most acute and urgent needs,” said Mr. Abdouraouf Gnon-Kondé, Humanitarian Coordinator a.i, for Burkina Faso.

Let us not forget that half of those in need of humanitarian aid are children. In line with humanitarian principles, our sole objective is to provide assistance to vulnerable civilians based on their needs, wherever they are.

In light of growing needs and vulnerabilities, the humanitarian community prioritised interventions in 2023 to focus on 3.1 million people with severe and urgent needs in 127 communes in the country, particularly those living in hard-to-reach areas.

For the first time in 2023, the Government has developed a national response plan as well. The HRP 2023 is complementary to the national plan, with ongoing coordination between the humanitarian community and the authorities to ensure an effective and efficient provision of humanitarian aid in Burkina Faso.

Despite challenges linked to humanitarian access and financial constraints, humanitarian agencies were able to provide assistance to more than 2.2 million people in 2022, with US$ 338.5 million in funding received for humanitarian response activities through the HRP 2022.

Media contact :

OCHA Burkina Faso: Kristen Knutson, knutson@un.org

Info for journalists:

• The HNO 2023 is available as a PDF at the following link: https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-apercu-des-besoins-humanitaires-2023-mars2023

• The HRP 2023 is available as a PDF at the following link: https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-plan-de-reponse-humanitaire-2023-mars-2023

• One page overview of the HRP 2023: https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/burkina-faso-humanitarian-response-plan-2023-glance-published-march-2023