Framework for Consultation on Protection of Internally Displaced Persons signed by Burundi's Minister of Human Rights and the UN Humanitarian Coordinator

Bujumbura, 27.02.01- The protocol establishing a Framework for Consultation and Protection of Internally Displaced Persons was signed by the Burundian Minister of Human Rights, Institutional Reforms and Relations with the National Assembly, Eugene Nindorera and the Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations, Georg Charpentier. The signing ceremony took place at the Ministry of Human Rights in Bujumbura on February 7, 2001.
The Framework aims to provide an open and transparent forum to discuss issues related to IDPs focusing on: access and protection, devising appropriate preventive measures, assessment and follow-up on alleged violations of human rights and humanitarian law. Rapid intervention mechanisms will be formulated through joint evaluation missions; support to existing structures and the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.

The Framework will consist of two main bodies of consultation. In the Committee on the Protection of IDPs the Burundian Minister of Human Rights and the UN Humanitarian Coordinator will serve as co-presidents. This high level Committee will bring together members of the government, United Nations agencies and national and international NGOs. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) will ensure the day to day secretariat of the protocol along with the president of the governmental Human Rights Commission.

The Follow-Up Technical Group will be led and coordinated by the head of OCHA office in Burundi and the president of the Burundian Government's Commission on Human Rights. The Technical Group will analyze issues of concern and make recommendations for their resolution. The Group has the capacity to invite individuals and organizations which may provide useful inputs to specific issues, as well as a forum for those wanting to discuss protection or humanitarian law.

For further information please contact:

OCHA Burundi Tel: +257-21 80 34 Fax: +257- 21 80 35 E-mail: