Joint launch of the Needs and Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 for Burundi: $194.2 millions required


(Bujumbura, 3 April 2023) Alongside the Government of Burundi, the humanitarian community is launching the Humanitarian Response Plan for 2023. This joint launch marks the occasion to celebrate the decisive and life-saving collaboration between the Government and humanitarian actors. An estimated 1.5 million people will need humanitarian assistance in 2023, with 1.1 million of the most vulnerable people targeted for assistance, requiring US$194.2 million in funding.

The launch is coupled with an appeal to mobilize the necessary financial resources to implement the Needs and Humanitarian Response Plan 2023. The event is presided by the Government of Burundi, represented by his Excellency Ambassador Gaudence Sindayigaya, and the humanitarian community, represented by the United Nations Resident Coordinator a.i, Mr. John Agbor.

Burundi is highly vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters have caused significant internal displacement. In 2021 and 2022, various shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, disease outbreaks, and the war in Ukraine, exacerbated existing humanitarian needs, affecting vulnerable populations such as refugees and internally displaced persons. In consultation with the Government, the humanitarian community leads the planning of the response since 2016 to address the vital needs of affected populations.

Adequate resources, commensurate with the response plan, remain a challenge. If not addressed, lack of funding could have severe consequences, leaving vulnerable populations exposed to climatic hazards, diseases, and protection risks, and jeopardizing repatriation efforts and livelihoods. Breaking the cycle of epidemic diseases will be difficult without an emergency health response and water, sanitation and hygiene support.

Mr. John Agbor, UN Resident Coordinator a.i declared: “Our humanitarian response for Burundi in 2023 is the result of a thorough analysis of the needs and challenges faced by the most vulnerable populations. Together, with the Government, humanitarian and development partners, we can work towards sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life of these populations and build a more resilient future. We are all united by a common cause: to save lives and leave no one behind.”

To address the humanitarian crisis in Burundi, coordination is essential. OCHA Burundi will continue to support the Humanitarian Country Team; humanitarian partners and the Government, providing needs assessments, monitoring, and reporting. Advocacy for a well-funded response and dignified return of refugees will also continue to be a priority.

Last year, 673,714 people received humanitarian assistance, 71% of the initial target. This achievement is the result of joint efforts deployed by humanitarian partners, Government of Burundi and donors. However, it is important to note that the remaining funding gap was significant, at nearly 50%, negatively impacting the volume of assistance provided.

The 2023 Needs and Humanitarian Response Plan for Burundi is available here:

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Noroarisoa Rakotomalala-Rakotondrandria, Head of Office,, Tel. +257 72 11 11 55 Mr. Antoine Lemonnier, Public Information Officer,, Tel. +257 72 11 11 56 OCHA press releases are available at or